Can Excessive Sun Exposure Damage Your Roof

Can Excessive Sun Exposure Damage Your Roof?

Everyone wants a roof that checks all the boxes: attractive, durable, and long-lasting, so a major factor to consider is the possibility of sun damage.


Unfortunately, with ongoing exposure to direct sunlight, the possibility of faded or weakened shingles over time becomes all too real.


Here are the main ways asphalt shingle roofs tend to show sun damage. If your home’s first line of defense is showing one or more of these telltale signs, it may be time to get an inspection from a trusted roofer in your area.

How Sun Damage Shows Up on Shingles

Discoloration and brittleness are the most frequent sun-related issues with shingle roofs, which are designed to withstand and reflect sunlight.


Although asphalt is extremely sun-resistant, sometimes the intensity of heat and UV exposure can still lead to degradation and discoloration.

Causes of Sun Damage to Asphalt Shingle Roofs

The predominant causes of sun-related damage to shingle roofs are extreme heat, thermal shock, and UV radiation.


As a result, roofs can start to fade in color through a process called bleaching, and shingles can become warped, curled, or cracked, creating vulnerabilities that are not to be overlooked.


These are the main forms of sun damage in shingled roofs.

Thermal Shock

When cumulative heat from a sunny day rapidly drops as night falls, an expansion-contraction process occurs, creating an ongoing cycle that takes a heavy toll on roofing materials.


Over many years, this process can lead to an increased risk of cracks and, subsequently, water leaks. Due to slight shifts, underlying materials can become gradually exposed and degraded. Moreover, trapped water can lead to even more serious issues.


Thankfully, newer roofing materials are designed to offer increased flexibility and, as a result, are better equipped to absorb thermal shock.

Coating Damage

Protective coatings can become cracked or ruptured from high temperatures. Even though it’s applied specifically to protect your roof from weather damage, like rain and hailstorms, heat and radiation from UV rays can still cause protective coatings to dry, split, and peel.


Coating damage can contribute to worsening thermal shock and, once again, can expose layers of underlying material. Additional reflective coatings can also be used to reduce the effects of sun damage.


With excessive UV exposure, roofs often become discolored and lightened. Fading or bleaching is more common on darker-toned roofs and is mainly an aesthetic consequence that normally doesn’t seriously impact the effectiveness or integrity of a home’s roof.


Sadly, bleaching is a sun-related consequence that is irreversible, leaving replacement as the most sensible solution. Faded shingles are a well-known sign that a roof may be nearing the end of its lifespan.

The Last Word

The heat and radiation emitted from the sun’s intense UV rays are undeniably powerful, so homeowners must be mindful of the known impacts such rays can have on a home’s roof over time.


Ideally, the materials that make up your roof will boast longevity, durability, and even energy efficiency. However, if any of these signs of sun damage have become impossible to ignore, it may be time to contact a trusted roofer.

Get an inspection today!

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